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Highfield WI

January 2019 members’ meeting

Monday 28.01.19.


24 ladies, including 1 visitor joined us for ourJanuary meeting.  


Julia welcomed everyone including Vanessa Beacham and explained that our entertainment for the evening. Julia then gave an update on the outcome of the HamWIc committee even though we have not received the minutes. She once again explained what HamWIc is. The next HamWIC meeting (March - in the evening) will be at Shirley Baptist Church at 7:30 p.m. and will be a presentation entitled 'Suffering Suffragettes' by Jane Glennie. She also mentioned that HamWIc had been awarded a bursary to run an educational event in the summer - perhaps a nature foray in the New Forest.


Clare then offered two tickets to the Spring Council meeting on March 26th at the Guildhall, Portsmouth; no takers. Julia may attend. Clare also drew members' attention the WI AGM in Cardiff in June. Clare then progressed on to a discussion about the 2019 Resolutions. She gave a brief overview for each one and then members voted with a show of hands. It was felt that several had very little to do with women per se, and had many organisations supporting them already, and that there were a lot of ones relating to female health. The outcome was as follows:



Title of resolution

Selection (No)

Improving Plant Biosecurity in the UK = 0


Trees – Improving the Natural Landscape = 2


Pelvic Floor Education = 2


Suffering in Silence; end the Taboo around Menstrual Health = 11


A Call Against the Decline in Local Bus Services = 6


Don’t Fear the Smear = 2



Subs were also collected by Maureen. One new member has so far joined.


The evening's event then started. Vanessa runs a class in two other places. Keep Fit Dance is a national organization which she has trained with. It is based on dance steps such as seen in 'Strictly'. She led members through a variety of styles. It was a fun event, which most members participated in, and could follow the instructions. By general agreement, it was felt to be more enjoyable than line dancing. Squash and biscuits were available. The evening finished about 9:40 p.m. with Julia leading a vote of thanks. Vanessa was given a cheque for £30.

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